How Often Should I Buy New Running Shoes

It doesn’t matter if you’re training for a competition or just hitting the pavement to maintain a fitness level; you need a pair of trustful shoes in both cases.

You need a good pair of running shoes to maintain your safety. Studies show that if you run with worn-down shoes, it’ll affect your gait and posture and can even lead to injuries. This happens because, with time, shoes lose their ability to absorb shock.

So, are you wondering, “how often should I buy new running shoes”? If you are, you’re in the right place. This article will explain when you need to replace your shoes thoroughly.


How Long Do Running Shoes Last

How Long Do Running Shoes Last
How Long Do Running Shoes Last

It doesn’t matter how long you wear your shoes for running. What matters is how many miles you ran wearing them. It isn’t that hard to do a little math to figure that out.

Experts suggest that you should replace your shoes every 500-700 kilometers. In miles, that should be 300-500 miles, which translates to 4-6 months for people who run at least 20 miles weekly.

It depends from person to person how fast running shoes can last. So 300-500 miles may not work for everyone.

For example, running on rough terrain or hot asphalt may wear shoes down faster than running on shaded, smooth trails.

Your weight, environment, running mechanics, and foot strike can also influence your shoe’s lifespan.

How Often Should You Replace Shoes

How Often Should You Replace Shoes
How Often Should You Replace Shoes

If you track your runs with the help of different fitness watches or GPS tools, you’ll know when you have reached your 500-700 miles mark. But if you don’t use these tools, you’ll need to look for signs you need new running shoes.

Usually, you may want to replace running shoes every 6 months. But you can look for the signs below to know when to replace your shoes.

New Pains and Aches

If you notice new pains or aches in your hips, ankles, or knees after a run, you might need to replace your shoes immediately.

Unexplained pains and aches that occur suddenly can mean your shoe cushioning has worn down. This would mean you need a new pair of shoes because the ones you’re using now will only make things worse for you.

Extra Sore Feet

If you suddenly start noticing stiffness and soreness at the bottom of your feet, specifically your aches, this could mean your shoes have started or have worn down already.

This could also mean that your running shoes can no longer fit your feet properly. So, you replaced your shoes.

Worn Out Treads

The flex grooves or the treads of your shoes are essential anatomical parts of said shoes. You need to replace your shoes if worn out because your shoes will no longer roll synchronically with your feet’ natural stride.

Tough Midsole

The telltale sign for worn-out shoes is that their midsole starts to feel tough. You will be able to know that your midsole has worn out if they rub against your skin in the wrong way.

In addition, you can tell this has happened if your midsole feels tough instead of slightly spongy when your thumb presses into it.

This can mean that your shoe cushioning has become compressed and cannot offer support anymore.

Brush Burns or Blisters

If your shoes start giving you blisters or brush burns all of a sudden, it can mean that the shape of your shoes is altered because of all the miles you put in them. So, get a new pair.

How You Can Lengthen the Lifespan of Your Shoes

How You Can Lengthen the Lifespan of Your Shoes
How You Can Lengthen the Lifespan of Your Shoes

There are a few ways to extend the life of your running shoes. Down below, they’re explained:

  • You should wear your running shoes only when you are running. Please don’t wear them for regular use.
  • Remember to take your shoes off right after you’re done running.
  • Try and keep your shoes clean after every use.
  • When you wash your shoes, try to air-dry them.
  • Try rotating your shoes with a different pair to give each pair enough time to recover after each run.


Even if you take good care of your running shoes, you will need to change them from time to time, especially after they are worn out. Wearing worn-out shoes will cause you pain and might even cause injuries. So you have to replace them with new ones.

If you wondered, “how often should I buy new running shoes,” hopefully now you have your answer.

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